Scientific concerts at the museumCité de la musique, Paris, July 12


Travel between Le Mans and Cité de la Musique is not managed by the congress. Participants are invited to organise their travel by themselves.


The Musée de la musique invites you to three interactive concerts in the rich permanent collection presenting 500 years of history of instrument making. Surrounded by the instruments of the national collection, you will attend a unique music concert and presentations by members of the scientific museum team.

The three instruments for presentation and discussion:

- the organ made by Jean Baptiste Jeremy Schweickart in 1784: this instrument is the only one known to use the devices mentioned in the treatise “L’art du facteur d’orgues” written by Dom Bedos de Celles,1766-1778.

- The North India rudra vina emblematic instrument and its particular bridge – a mechanical-acoustic transducer capable of producing exceptional timbre variations.

- The Ondes Martenot number 15 made in the 1930’s and presented in original condition with its triode and historical “diffuseur”.

The Cité de la Musique is an art and life style center settled deep in the green environs ofthe Parc de la Villette in Paris.It is a national and international resourceentirely dedicated to music, producing asmany as 250 concerts each year for adultsand younger audiences. It also boastsa multi-media library with 100,000documents, impressive educationalresources and the Musée de la musique.

The Musée de la musique has 1000 instruments andworks of art displayed over 2000 sq.m. forpublic viewing, and covering 500 years in thehistory of music.Temporary exhibitions are organised everyyear and enhance the permanent collectionsignificantly, dealing with a broad andculturally diverse variety of subjects.


The project of a new auditorium located justnext to the Cité de la musique aims to providethe city of Paris with a large concert hallmeeting the international requirements andstandards for symphonic music. The hall willserve as a home to its resident orchestra, theOrchestre de Paris, and as a new venue for the promotion of music.

Access to Cité de la Musique :